Let’s hear it for honest criminals

Posted: February 8, 2009 in Kate, life, music, rant, work
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After all, if it is your job why not list it?  Wow.

Do you miss election updates?  Well, mope no more!  The 2010 Governor’s race is already heating up!  By heating up, I mean I found a story or two.  That’s all.  The second article mentions ol’ Walter Dale Miller.  He’s a rancher?  I always thought he was a librarian or lawyer or semi-pro kinda-smart looking guy.

The case involved a strip search, but unless you were involved don’t expect to hear how it turned out.

For its 100th birthday, a Sioux Falls business is moving in with a relative.

The story is about potholes in Sioux Falls, so KDLT tries to find one.








I could be wrong, but I think they just went to the photo file.

Sioux Falls isn’t worried about the recession, thanks to the city sales tax.  Uh, guys?  About that

Class B wrestling is wrestling with the end of districts.

The state senate takes a seat in the smoking section, but the state house sits in the non-smoking section.

Brookings is happy with one declining number.

The high cost of death in Sturgis just went up.

Never let it be said that South Dakota is immune from Interstate pile-ups.

I didn’t even know Tim Reid moved to South Dakota after “Simon and Simon” and “WKRP”.  Wait, Tim Reed?  Never-mind.

You had me at cheese expansion.

A legal drug is about to get the prefix “il”.

Brookings is about to get their own Qdoba, but Q*Bert is still a no show.

Huron is worried about security.  No, really.  Serious.  Stop it.

If you had the Pierre Cap-Journal with the Obama pun headline this week, collect your prize.

The senate shows some backbone to Governor Rounds.  Who saw that coming?

Bernie Madoff made off with some South Dakota money.  Seriously everyone, if someone’s name sounds like “made off”, do NOT give them your money. 

Jewel Cave has extra bats for the kids.  Or, maybe not for the kids..

More South Dakotans are too busy too read this blog.  This blog is my second job, but it so far isn’t paying very well.

We’ve been over this, but here’s one more Tom Daschle story.  Some say this was blown way out of proportion.  Even so, if you’re going to have the media and the opposing party crawling up  your butt, make sure they don’t find old unpaid tax bills.  I still say my biggest letdown of the mess is that Tom wasn’t as smart as I gave him credit for.  Oh well, at least we have some John Thune douchebaggery to look forward to (it begins at about 1:15 or so).

Saturday night I fired up the ol’ Firefox for a look at some news I might have missed.  As ESPN loaded I thought maybe there would be some Manny news.  Instead, I get the story about A-Rod, or as they call him in the NYC tabloids, A-Roid.  I’ve had little love for Alex since he left Seattle, and his signing with the Yankees only made me more indifferent.  This, however, is a news equivalent to a ground ball in the nuts that lets the go-ahead run score.  Almost every fan I know was rooting for A-Rod to pass Bonds so we’d have a clean record again, and now that’s just not going to happen, at least until another slugger comes up the ranks who can stay clean.  If he gets off to a slow start with the Yankees, the fans will eat him alive.  It could be a long summer for baseball, and I mean in the bad way.  Some wonder if baseball can recover from the steroid business.  We’re talking about a sport that cancelled a World Series and still got fans to come back.  This too, shall pass.  Major League Baseball gets one more scar, but the game will go on.

Blink 182 got back together.  I’m trying to keep an open mind, but the band reminds me of someone I’d rather never think about again, for reasons I won’t go into here or anywhere.  Let’s just say a line was crossed and certain things can’t be undone.  The band reminds me of that someone, but Blink 182 is also liked by my wife and several friends.  Without that someone to vent my anger and frustration towards (because I’ve cut off all communication), I’ve been taking it out on Blink 182.  I change the station when they come on, and I don’t think I’ve played a song of theirs in over a year.  Well, since they’re back together, and since it’s time to stop holding grudges against bands who don’t even know I exist, my Blink boycott is over.  

Ugh.  I’m getting a cold and feeling like a bucket of yuck. I wish you a better week than my Sunday night.

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